Contact U-Knead-Me Massage Services!

When our therapists are in treatment rooms with patients, they are not available via the phone, so we have a contact form here to help you get in touch with your massage therapist. Use this form if; you have a question about massage therapy, need someone at the office to return information to you, would like to order something online but the shopping cart is acting up, had a reaction to your treatment and would like to see if that is normal for the treatment. When in doubt, send us a message below. See the bottom of this form(below the contact us part of the first form) if you have placed an order and wish to check the status of it.

Our Facility is located at 1901 E. Tuttle Park Road.
Madison, OH 44057
Phone or text 440-428-6499

Contact us:

If you would like to send us a message, use this form. We try to get back to these within 24-48 business hours. If you would like to make an appointment, use the login at the top right of the page. If you haven't used the online system before, then you will need to register yourself first by clicking on the "register" button even if you've been a patient for years. After you come in, then we will merge your registered file with the one you have had for prior treatments.

Please insert your comment or question below.

First Name:
  Last Name :
Comments :

(erases all data inserted up to now )

Ready ? Ok, but before you click 'Send Form' please insert the same letters and numbers you see in this image into the box to your right ->



Order Tracking:

To check the status of your order, enter the Order Number found on your receipt and your Last Name and click Continue.

Order Number:
Last Name: